Call KC Metro 816.223.2067 or St Louis Metro 314.822.5779

About Us

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Since its inception, I have served this community with a combination of professional expertise and personalized service. The aim has been to provide the widest range of tax, accounting, and personal financial services you are likely to need, while remaining small enough that you always feel welcome and at home. At MDW CPA, you can count on not simply bringing your taxes and other accounting needs to an impersonal staff member, but on forming an ongoing relationship with a trusted adviser.

The firm of Mark D Williams, CPA was established to provide efficient, expert solutions to businesses and individuals. In addition to the core services of tax planning, tax preparation and bookkeeping, my consulting partners and I also offer specialized services in retirement planning, business consulting, investments, estates and trusts, and personal financial coaching and planning. We serve a wide range of individuals, businesses, partnerships, and non-profit organizations, and by offering the benefits of years of experience gained from previous positions, we are experts in the accounting issues and tax laws that impact our clients.

But what makes MDW CPA stand out from the rest is not only our professional expertise, but our friendliness and caring attitude towards our clients. We work with clients on a one-on-one basis, creating a warm atmosphere that puts them at ease even during their highest times of stress. And we pledge to create an environment that will cause each of our clients to view us as a trusted adviser.

But don't mistake our warmth for lack of knowledge, as we offer you expert advice in the fields of finance, accounting, and tax planning. Our commitment to clients is to share that knowledge by making ourselves available for questions, consulting and coaching.



"Thank you for all that you do for us. We appreciate all of your knowledge, quick feedback, and speedy turn around. We have nothing but good things to say." - Nicole, Florida

"Thank you for always being reliable and dependable with getting my taxes prepared. It's hard to find this type of service these days." - Cynthia, Kansas

"Thanks for all the great information. It is extremely comforting that you have been through this all and can help us. This was HUGE to have handy over the holiday while we spent time meeting with our lawyer, etc." - Andy, Kansas City, Missouri



Helping families and their businesses define and achieve success through education and planning.


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